Our Mission
The purpose of the Eagle Lake Improvement Association is to:
  • Take collaborative actions to improve Eagle Lake and its watershed;
  • Educate residents to be good stewards of the lake;
  • Encourage enjoyment of the lake; and
  • Build a sense of community around Eagle Lake.
All of these are important, but the aspect of collaboration is a primary pillar of this mission statement.  There is a full recognition that we cannot tackle these issues alone.  ELIA has more than 200 members, 15 board members representing all of our lake neighborhoods, and a structure that is organized to attack the problems.  We collaborate with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR), the Town of Dover, the Eagle Lake Management District, and the Racine County Land Conservation Division to formulate plans and projects, secure funding, and implement the plans and projects.  Our membership recognizes the value of our organization, and generously supports us financially and through volunteerism.  We strive to encourage the full enjoyment of our lake by residents as well as the public.  By welcoming new neighbors, providing educational materials, and sponsoring community events--such as the annual fireworks and Eagle Lake Regatta--we hope that our organization is viewed as a valuable lake partner.