Thank you for your interest in the Eagle Lake fireworks event which is held annually on Labor Day weekend. The Eagle Lake Improvement Association is proud to serve as the coordinating sponsor and contributes $1,000 toward each year's display. This annual event is only possible through the generous donations of our members, local residents, and business sponsorships. These are the donation levels we've used in the past, but a contribution of any amount is greatly appreciated.
Bronze Level -- Donations of $49 and under
Silver Level -- Donations of $50 through $99
Gold Level -- Donations of $100 through $999
Platinum Level -- Donations of $1,000 and higher
If donations exceed the total cost for our fireworks display, the additional funds will be kept in a separate account for use in next year's fundraising efforts.
Eagle Lake Improvement Association (EIN 82-1263529) has qualified as a tax-exempt, non-profit organization under IRC Section 501(c)(3), making your donation tax deductible as allowed by law. Consult with a tax expert for proper treatment of your deduction.