Wave Makers Recognition
Many generous members are making BIG waves at Eagle Lake!
The following 98 members are hereby recognized as generous contributors to the Eagle Lake Improvement Association.  By donating $100 or more, we welcome them to ELIA's Wave Maker group with our sincere thanks for helping to sustain our efforts to serve the Eagle Lake community.  Special events to acknowledge their dedication to lake stewardship will be held during the year.
If you have not yet joined (or renewed your membership) and would like to contribute, please click here for information related to donations.
Dave Aldridge, Manor
Judy Amundsen, Pan Yack Park
Paul Baerwald, Regency
Midwest Marine & Barge, Burlington
Russell & Carol (CB) Bean, Regency
Neil & Theresa Borkowski, Manor
Paul Breece, Manor
Kim & Judy Casper, East Shore
Lyn Cleveland, North Shore
McEnroe Cottage, Pan Yack Park
Linda Darlington, Regency
Mario & Shawn Denoto, East Shore
Dr. Marcel Dijkstra, UW Oshkosh
Dan & Sue Donovan, Woodlands
Charles & Jane Drueck, Regency
Nick & Tara Eliopoulos, East Shore
Donna Erfort, Manor
AAron & Stephanie Foege, Manor
Brian & Marie Frederick, East Shore
Dr. Warren & Nancy Furey, Island
Robert & Sandra Galassi, Terrace
John & Shona Geier, Terrace
Chuck & Lisa Glover, Manor
T. John & Nannette Greenwood, Pan Yack Park
Thomas Hamilton, North Shore
Douglas Hamje, North Shore
Mary Goldbeck & Mark Hanson, East Shore
Michael Heft, Manor
Nancy Heft, Burlington
Robert Heilbronner, East Shore
Thomas & Deborah Heller, Regency
Stephen & Beth Heng, Terrace
Don Hermes, East Shore
Robbie Heugel, Terrace
Judith & Mark Hibbard, Island
Matthew & Tia Hoerig, Manor
Robert & Jean Jacobsen, Pan Yack Park
Tim & Kathy Johnson, Manor
Beth & Charles Usher Jr., Island
Richard & Linda Kaminski, Manor
Ken & Tina Katzer, Manor
Matt & Marissa Klinker, East Shore
John & Robin Korndoerfer, Pan Yack Park
Mark & Nancy Koschik, Pan Yack Park
Bill & Nancy Koutsis, Eagle Bay
Joseph & Joan Kraus, Manor
James & Stephanie Langston, Regency
Ken & Sandy Lavelle, East Shore
Terry & Mary Lavin, Beaumont
Helen Lena, Terrace
Dan & Kat Leunig, North Shore
Steven & Patricia Lopes, Woodlands
Steven & Jackie Lopes, Eagle Bay
Shelia MacDiarmid, Island
Shaina & Zack Madden, East Shore
Tom & Sandy Magulski, Pan Yack Park
Robert Manke, East Shore
Sean & Donna Margiotta, Island
Ed & Sheila McCarthy, Island
Bob & Sue McEnroe, Pan Yack Park
Kathy & Rick McGinnis, Island
Douglas McLemore, Florida
Judi McNamara, North Shore
Peter Mikulak, Manor
Terry & Tamara Miller, Regency
Jill & Mark Miller, Pan Yack Park
Joseph Miotke, East Shore
Michael & Theresa Molitor, Michael's
Mike & MaryLee Moulton, Pan Yack Park
John & Lisa Moulton, Pan Yack Park
Doug & Sara Nicholson, Manor
Karen & Lonnie Olson, Pan Yack Park
Brian & Sandy Olson, Pan Yack Park
Noelle OMara, North Shore
Bob & Susan Orthey, Regency
Greg Wolski & Wendy Owen, Regency
David & Terry Pacholski, Manor
Nicole Paprocki, North Shore
Ric & Debbie Pedersen, Pan Yack Park
Bruce & Lari Pett, Manor
Keith & Sylvia Potts, East Shore
Scott & Kathie Radwill, Pan Yack Park
Tom & Patty Regan, Manor
John & Julie Riggio, Manor
James & Lynn Siering, East Shore
Kenneth & Janell Sievert, Woodlands
Tom Stone, Pan Yack Park
David & Patricia Suerth, Manor
Thomas Tomaszek, Manor
Ryan & Kim Traxinger, East Shore
Richard & Jeni Van Hoesen, Manor
Phil & Diana Wamboldt, Manor
Kurt & Vickie Weiss, East Shore
Mike & Juanita Yost, East Shore
Brian & Kim Young, Manor
Brian & Nancy Younger, Terrace
Val & Arlene Zabielski, Terrace
Kent & Debra Zunker, Regency
Click here to view the 2023 Wave Makers

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